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"If everyone knew about this stuff, the world would change!" - This was the guiding intention that led to the creation of Spirit Science in 2011. It quickly became a safe space to explore your spiritual growth and evolution in an open and compassionate way. We believe in the respect for all spiritual paths, and honouring that which is divine within all of us.

In 2017, Patch Tarot was born. This new Tarot is a continuation and evolution of today’s most prominent Tarot decks from the past; a purposeful fusion of the most prominent symbolisms and descriptions across the most notable decks. All of the paradoxes between past decks have been harmonized into a singular unified Tarot deck made for you – the modern alchemical scholar.

Herein you will find all of the familiarity of other great Tarot packs, such as the Rider-Waite-Smith and Thoth Tarot, along with a touch of Spirit Science's own Patchman for good measure.

Thank you for investing your time into exploring this sacred work. We trust that whatever you discover on your journey here today uplifts your body, mind and soul. It is always a joy to read and respond to your across our website, YouTube, and other social channels. Thank you for participating in the global conversation!



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Learn Patch Tarot

The cards are sorted into four sections, the Major ArcanaHoly ArcanaMinor Arcana and Royal Arcana.

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The Major Arcana

The Major Arcana is the story of consciousness interacting with, and developing through the four elements.

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The Holy Arcana

The Holy Arcana is an entirely new concept to the Tarot, and something which happened purely out of natural flow in the process of developing the Major Arcana.

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The Minor Arcana

The principle energy behind these numbers are very relative to the corresponding energy of each sephiroth on the Tree of Life.

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The Royal Arcana

The Royal Arcana are the final section of Patch Tarot, and encompass the remaining 16 cards...

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Patch Tarot - The Spirit Science Tarot Deck

Join the thousands of others who stepped out of the matrix and into a new reality, with the ultimate tool for deep spiritual wisdom. Patch Tarot offers you the ability to answer any question you have in minutes, and get to the truth of any situation, and it’s accuracy is stunning.  $44.99


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The Book of Patch

With The Book of Patch, learn to see and know how the matrix works, and step outside of it to become the master of your reality. Allow yourself to embody complete mental clarity and alertness as you dive into the wisdom of the Tarot. Boost your vocabulary of Tarot and the mystic arts, while improving your ability to connect with the cards, and as a results, the people closest to you in your life.   $88.95

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The Book of Spirit

While most of the world seems to be pulling in a direction towards chaos, you can become an instrument of the divine with The Book of Spirit. Go deeper in spiritual knowledge and awareness than almost everyone you know, to reach deeper into your own self discovery, master yourself, and change the world. It’s time to let go of an old, mundane awareness of the world, and see life as it truly is.  $24.99



Needed this today. Thank you for always being a source of love and light in my life. Spirit Science changed my life when I found it years ago. This work you do is so impactful. I’m so grateful for you and your team๐Ÿ’œ

- Tori M. -

Thanks again Jordan. Also special thanks to patch man and all y'all do together. You may not know it but you helped me in a very... like really dark time in my life. There aren't words to describe it.

Honestly I think trying to describe it would do it an injustice. Lol Thanks again man. You're an inspiration and have inspired me to inspire others to learn more about this multidimensional journey. Ugh... almost wish I did have the words. Just thanks man. You've done a lot.

- Beau S. -

You guys have changed my families life, starting with diet you helped us stop eating meat!! After that we started thinking deeper and more about the future now we have an amazing business thank you we love you!

- Bryson C. -

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