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The Minor Arcana


Understanding the Minor Arcana is made easy when we , each suit must be explored individually, but first know that they all share a similar flow from 1 to 10. The principle energy behind these numbers are very relative to the corresponding energy of each sephiroth on the Tree of Life, which you can learn more about in our Tree of Life series here. While each element has its own characteristics, the general principles of the numerology and the sephiroth stay the same.

  1. The Aces (or Ones) are the unmanifested essence of the element. They have no tangibility or creative power, other than the potential that there is something to come into being.
  2. The Twos are the first and purest actual manifestation of that energy, they lack structure other than the most basic form that the energy can take, whether it’s emotional, spiritual, physical, or mental.
  3. The Threes apply another dimension and structure to the energy, allowing the “what this cycle is going to look like” potential to come into being. This is the basis of purpose behind the creation.
  4. The Fours apply yet another dimension and stability to the energy; Fire and Earth do very well with the stability, where Air and Water prefer to move and begin to enter into disarray.
  5. The Fives apply a new chaotic motion to all of the stability which preceded it, and all of the elements go into a new, disorganized state.
  6. The Sixes resolve the chaotic imbalance of five, balancing out the equation and finding perfect order and harmony. This equates on the Tree of Life as entering the Heart center (Tiphareth), and thus is the most perfect manifestation of any particular energy – aligned between its original intent (One and Two), with the completion to where it’s going (Nine and Ten).
  7. The Sevens are now entering into a crystallization of materialization towards their end goal, observing potentials within the polarities of how the creation may evolve. The sevens pose another challenge that must be resolved in order to move forward.
  8. The Eights take the problem of the past and apply the counterbalance to it; instead of observing this one as “solving the problem” like five and six, the seven and eight are more like mirror sides of a math equation, and the equal sign is the space between these two cards.
  9. The Nines heralds the final act of the cycle. The energy is directed into the singularity, and the results are about to be gathered.
  10. The Tens act as transitional cards as they are actually two numbers – One and Zero. They apply to both the beginning and the end, and relate backwards and forwards to the Ace and the Nine perfectly. They signify the completion, and the step into new beginnings.


Exploring the Suits

The Minor Arcana are divided into four unique categories, based on the four elements. Understanding how each element behaves on its own, and applying that information to the numerology listed above, gives you a deeper understanding of how and why each card has the meaning it does. 

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The Suit of Wands (Fire)

This suit represents the spiritual will, and the cycles that we all go through pertaining to our spirituality in life; our creativity, our dreams, and our desires. This would relate to our personal aspirations, and the creative spark behind our every action; when our personal fire is aligned with our higher will, we begin to take deliberate action towards making our dreams come true. 

In a higher, more cosmic sense – fire represents the creative energy that birthed the universe; the radiating explosive force of the big bang, the supernova of energy which led to the manifestation of the universe.

It also represents the great fire above and below us – the Sun and the molten core of the planet.

Among the Royal Arcana, the element of Fire is maintained by the Kings (also commonly known as the Knights in other decks), and embody the seed for all potential manifestations which emerge out from the Mind of God at the top of the Tree of Life. The King’s sacred geometric form is the Seed of Life.

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The Suit of Cups (Water)

This suit represents our emotional bodies; the subtle feelings which run through us perpetually and often dictate or influence many of our actions to some degree. This is the inner sense of nurturing we give to things that we love, whether they are people, places, or material objects.

This suit would embody both the deepest depths of our emotions, and the light hearted feelings which we experience in our day to day lives.

In a more cosmic sense, water represents the fluid like vacuum of space which carries the seeds of fire (the light of creation), and nurtures them, supporting their spin and flow in natural movements so that they may evolve.

Together, the Fire and Water elements dance together to create the whole universe. The suit of Cups also encompasses the water on the planet from which all of life emerges, and the water in our bodies. Among the Royal Arcana cards for this suit, the element of Water is governed by the Queens, whose sacred geometric form is the Tree of Life itself.

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The Suit of Swords (Air)

This suit represents our mental bodies – our thoughts. All of the countless things we think about throughout our days which govern our lives and how we live them – each individual thought is represented by a Sword. Thoughts are particularly interesting, in that like air itself they have no motion unto themselves but move in relationship to everything that takes place around them!

In Hermeticism they have been described to form a powerful bridge in understanding how creation comes into being from the Mind of God – exactly the same way that our thoughts become speech. Sword = the Silent (or Supreme) word of God; the Holy Spirit of Christ. Even “The Fool” in the Major Arcana is linked to the element of Air, and for a very good reason; the word “Spirit” derives from the word breath, and this movement describes the breath of life – the thought – from which all things emerge from the Mind of God.

In the sense of the physical cosmos, the element of Air represents the oxygen and atmospheres of planets which serve as a protective boundary layer around the planets and allow life to happen at all! (hence why the princes sit upon Tiphareth). Air is that which contains the heat and light from the sun, and supports the Water on the planet to rise into the sky and become clouds. Oxygen is found both in the soil and in the sky, and so Air is seen to combine with other elements as a necessity for life. Among the Royal Arcana cards, the element of Air is governed by the Princes, whose sacred form is the Flower of Life.

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The Suit of Disks (Earth)

This suit represent our physical bodies and everything manifested in physical reality. Anything that can be experienced in the physical dimension, or is a physical creation – lands here.

This would be anything tangible you can see, touch, smell, taste, or hear, for even though sounds and sight are reflections of light and other waves, they are reflected or created by physical things. In Qabalah, this element is represented by the Sephiroth of Malkuth. In regards to the cosmos, Earth represents all of the planets and other matter in the universe.

The land on which we live from which our bodies were constructed, and to which will one day be returned to. It’s important to recognize that all four elements are contained within each element, and so you might discover things like electricity which can appear physical are reflections and representations of the other elements manifesting within the third dimension.

So just as Fire, Water, and Air all represent a much higher dimension of existence, so too do they have their place in the physical, and vice versa. Among the Royal Arcana cards, the Disks are represented by the Princesses, whose sacred form is the Fruit of Life.

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The Minor Arcana Card Library

Click through on the image to explore each card individually
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Ace of Wands

The Ace of Wands depicts the Princess evoking the powers of the creative force. How this flame is utilized however, remains to be seen.

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Two of Wands

The Two of Wands is the purest manifestation of fire, one that goes in all directions and yet has no fixed pathway, but a multitude of potentials.

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Three of Wands

The Three of Wands implies the pathway of the spiritual will, the purpose is set behind the creative force which is now burning bright within.

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Four of Wands

The Four of Wands describes the completion of the path which has been walked, the goal achieved and wholeness attained. Celebration is in order!

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Five of Wands

This card depicts five individuals struggling to form a new geometry. This is a disruption of energy, and one that will need to be resolved.

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Six of Wands

Success is the order of the day! The struggle has been resolved and a new unified awareness bridges all of the perspectives together.

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Seven of Wands

This card shows a warrior struggling against powerful forces which challenge his position. Having gained status, it now requires defending.

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Eight of Wands

The Eight of Wands embodies a sudden shift or rapid change in one’s flow or direction as a result of new awareness shining intensely in the mind.

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Nine of Wands

This card shows a noble warrior flying downward with the real strength that comes from inner resolve, true power is the power of internal change.

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Ten of Wands

This card represents fire in its most raw and physical sense, removing the old to create the new we integrate our past selves and evolve into new ways of being.

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Ace of Cups

This is water in its unmanifested form. The seed and roots of emotion, the void from which emotions are birthed and experienced.

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Two of Cups

The Purest Manifestation of Water, the Two of Cups embodies pure unified connectedness, the complete embrace of unity and oneness.

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Three of Cups

Three souls have gathered together to create a space where only harmonious things can come into being. Friendship, creativity, community, and abundance.

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Four of Cups

The Four of Cups shows a patch too distracted with his current situation, that the gift behind them goes unnoticed, the water sits still.

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Five of Cups

The water is gone, the cups have dried out, the anticipation and expectations for pleasure has resulted in frustration and disappointment.

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Six of Cups

Two embrace each other with childlike innocence; it is sensual and opening. Harmony of energies without effort or strain come naturally with love.

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Seven of Cups

The Seven of Cups depicts a Patch with a multitude of possibilities showing all that can be experienced, from riches to phantoms, but which one is right?

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Eight of Cups

A Patch leaves behind the old and broken as they take with them the sacred and special. Taking only what we need to move onward.

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Nine of Cups

A Patch sits within her aura in a place of complete success and happiness. Here there is perfection of the moment, and the allowance of emotional flow.

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Ten of Cups

This card represents a level of completion to the great cycle, having achieved all that was set out to do, and so a new cycle of life is about to begin.

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Ace of Swords

The seed of intellectual power; the Ace of Swords embodies the essence of the thinking mind from which thoughts spring forth as if from nothing.

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Two of Swords

Regarded as the purest manifestation of its element, the Two of Swords is the beginning of analysis and the birth of a thought.

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Three of Swords

The Three of Swords is the realization and acknowledgement of hard truths, the awareness of suffering to gain a clearer understanding of reality.

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Four of Swords

The Four of Swords rests from mental chaos, a reminder that there is love for you from higher realms, invoke their support with prayer and meditation.

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Five of Swords

The Five of Swords implies that no one wins when battles are fought with cunning and betrayal. A colossal tidal wave is on its way!

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Six of Swords

The Six of Swords shows Patch rising in his Merkaba, beneath him the old world is seen crumbling and breaking down, it was only temporary anyway

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Seven of Swords

The six unique swords are all weak on their own while the single sword is strong and enduring; the equation is still balanced in its opposition.

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Eight of Swords

Self-administered confusion is what the Eight of Swords represents, unable to see the way out of this chaos, and yet - the pathway is right there.

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Nine of Swords

The Nine of Swords exemplifies a mind of which continues its descent into a state of cruelty. Here we find depression, regret, anxiety and real nightmares.

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Ten of Swords

The Ten of Swords represents the end of a cycle, while it was not expected this is not the end. Above him his spirit has already moved on.

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Ace of Disks

The Ace of Disks is the notion of a physical creation. Here there is a possibility for something new to come into being, tangible in the world.

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Two of Disks

The Two of Disks describes the universal truth that change is the only constant; everything is in a constant state of change, nothing ever sits still.

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Three of Disks

The Three of Disks shows two masters looking over a young architect's work, giving him advice and encouraging him to continue his practice.

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Four of Disks

The Four of Disks is the most tangible and stable card in the deck, representing the solidness of material reality and the stability of Earth!

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Five of Disks

The upheaval of strength and stability in the material realm. Loss is experienced, putting a strain on those now facing the destruction.

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Six of Disks

The Six of Disks shows that the imbalances have been corrected and success has been attained. The scales are balanced, equilibrium has been reconciled.

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Seven of Disks

With the Seven of Disks, we see a barren garden, this might be seen as a failure, however things take time to fully grow into reality.

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Eight of Disks

The Eight of Disks show seeds now grown and developed into flowers, our work has paid off but they still need love and water to live.

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Nine of Disks

In the Nine of Disks we see a bird up in a blossoming and fertile garden. Here we experience the flourishing of material gain and luxury.

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Ten of Disks

The Ten of Disks represents legacy and total completion. In this we see and know the purpose behind all of our efforts, what we pass on.

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Love all Patchman work and have been following Jordan since his early days on Spirit Science. Just asked a question troubling me for a while and it drew the perfect response. It's very cleverly written that should offend anyone or mislead them. Looking forward to the September Update!

- Vicki C. -

I am very new to tarot. I love all the work that spirit science has done and teaches and because of that I thought I would give this a try. I am completely blown away by how on point my answers are to the questions I have asked. Everytime without a miss the card are just what I needed to hear. I can't recommend these cards enough. Thank you so much!

- Anne B. -

"LOVE this! I am new to Tarot, so this is perfect! I am also new to Spirit Science and am in awe at the information available. After first glance at the usability of this app, straight away ordered the live deck and the book. Keep up the great work!!!"

- Glynda F. -

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